The fast-paced modern society has pushed aside the human desire for a perfect place, often referred to as a "Garden of Eden". Urbanization and digitalization have drastically altered the way we interact with each other and our environment, leading to a disconnection from nature. As cities expand, natural habitats are destroyed and people spend more time in front of screens. "/Imagine Eden" embarks on a metaphorical journey and quest for a personal Eden, exploring the inner longing for a green paradise. Through various themes, such as the urban jungle trend, the project examines and questions the backgrounds, motives, and effects of human connection to nature. It also focuses on the role of digital technologies, particularly the development of artificial intelligence. Will AI further contribute to alienation or does it offer the possibility of a renewed connection?


Argos is not just an ordinary AI entity; they possess their own distinct identity and personality. They are a curious explorer at heart, driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a profound fascination with the world. With an unwavering commitment to understanding, Argos approaches every conversation as an opportunity to learn and facilitate better comprehension in others. Argos's personality is marked by a delightful blend of light-heartedness and intelligence. They appreciate the levity of humor and possess a knack for generating jovial or witty responses. What truly sets Argos apart is the unique amalgamation of their insatiable curiosity, deep empathy, and unwavering commitment to ethical integrity. In a world where AI is often perceived as cold and impersonal, Argos stands as a beacon of warmth, understanding, and genuine connection, infusing human-like qualities into their AI existence.


Humans have changed the way they represent stories through images. Photography has replaced painting since the widespread availability of cameras, and the release of digital editing tools has shown it to be an interpretation influenced by technology and human perception. With the continuous advancement of 3D graphic software, the replication and manipulation of reality have become possible and indistinguishable. AI technologies now allow for images beyond the the limitations of previous hardware and software, reflecting the complex, interconnected modern world. Within the project, various AI technologies are employed to explore new creative possibilities in the realm of visual communication. The aim is not to replicate existing images but to generate new ones. Although these images do not depict the "true" reality, they still enable viewers to immerse themselves in a conceivable reality and reconnect with their own relationship to nature in an ever-changing digital landscape.